Amy Parker: The Write Stuff

Amy Parker: The Write Stuff

Amy Parker: The Write Stuff

Amy is a dear friend, which I guess is a little weird to say considering we have never met.  In person, I mean. It had to have been about six years ago. We were in our church bookstore. The idea for Bible Belles was still just that, an idea. Anyway, Brent and I are in the bookstore trying to find a really cool book or a couple of books for girls about Bible characters. We come across this book, God’s Promises for Little Girls, and right away we both love it. The illustrations, the cute and clever poems inside, it's just adorable. We buy the book and get it home and Brent decides that we should reach out to the author to let her know we love it so much and see if she'll talk to a couple of kooks on the other side of the country who have an idea for a new series for girls. 

I still look back and laugh at those first few emails back and forth with this amazing woman who, quite frankly, didn't have to give us the time of day. She's a busy wife and mama, too. And there we are, contacting her out of nowhere with this crazy idea to write a new series for girls that will teach them about the female heroes of the Bible. She responded with an email about 8x longer than we expected, and from there we were off. She listened, gave us advice, helped us think of ways to approach some of the early challenges we faced, and so much more. 

The fact that Bible Belles went from an idea to a reality is a true miracle , and Amy was instrumental in making that happen. Our first title took three years to finish, and the experience has been one of a kind because things have changed so many times along the way. When it got hard, or when we were confused (which was pretty often), Amy was there. And she encouraged us to keep going. 

Don't miss this episode, and be sure to check out Amy's awesome work! She is one of the most talented women I know. 

Links For Today’s Show: 

Amy's author website - check out what she's up to here!

Amy on FB

Download the the transcript here

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