To The Mom Who Feels Invisible

To The Mom Who Feels Invisible

To The Mom Who Feels Invisible

Rooney likes to play hide and seek, but she loves to pretend she's invisible.

It’s fun to make believe I can’t see her for a few minutes, but I always find myself being quick to remind her that, no matter how hard she tries to make herself disappear, I can still see her. 

I felt challenged by that because, moms, so often we can feel insignificant and unseen. So today here's a simple reminder for you. God sees you. 

Carrying that little body on your hip and all the responsibilities and pressures on your mind.

He sees you. 

Getting work done and still managing to find time to sit them on your lap and read a book. 

He sees you. 

Staying up late to pack lunches and up early to make breakfast. 

He sees you. 

Pouring into your children and fighting the enemy on their behalf. 

And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

He sees you in all your motherhood. Don’t give up. The harvest is coming. 

Have an awesome day!

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