Jenn Gotzon: Taking His Direction - The Role Of A Lifetime

Jenn Gotzon: Taking His Direction - The Role Of A Lifetime

Jenn Gotzon: Taking His Direction - The Role Of A Lifetime

It’s not every day I get to talk to a real live Hollywood actress, but it happened today with the adorable Jenn Gotzon. What a heart she has!

It was refreshing for me to talk with her, and I’ll admit that I was a little intimidated to speak with someone who has walked her share of red carpets. Jenn was honest, down-to-earth, and willing to speak openly about the struggles she faced early on. Despite being told by a teacher that she had no talent as an actor, she continued to pursue her dream. She found an open audition for a dinner theater, and got the job! God was faithful, and He started to open doors. From there, she has developed a professional career as a talented actress.

What I loved about our conversation today was how real Jenn was about her prayer life. She very simply and practically laid out ways that she connects with God through prayer. Sometimes, the simple act of sitting alone and quiet gives us the right opportunity for God to meet us exactly where we are and tell us something that He wants us to know. She was so open about how she does that: asking questions and writing down anything and everything that comes to mind. The value of journaling and recording these sessions has impacted her in many different ways, and I enjoyed hearing her share them.

Jenn also told us all about how she decides what roles to take. It was cool to hear her explain that she looks for elements of good and evil when reading through scripts, and she chooses to portray characters in movies that present hope and inspiration (or she simply doesn’t choose to do them).  Looking for a girl living out her values amidst the current culture? You’ve found her!

Links For Today’s Show:

Jenn on IMDB

 Download the transcript here

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