Be Still: Simple Steps For Teaching Patience

Be Still: Simple Steps For Teaching Patience

Be Still: Simple Steps For Teaching Patience

You know what gets me in the most trouble? It’s when I do or say something without stopping to actually think it through. It happens to all of us. Something goes down and we don’t pause to prepare before responding. We jump in head first. We fail to ask God to help us navigate the situation properly.

Be still before the Lord. wait patiently for him.

Psalm 37:7

Mom, your daughter need to know that patience isn’t simply about waiting. It’s about taking time alone with God (or getting in His Word) to allow Him to share something with her. Instead of rushing in to make a decision too quickly, God wants her to be still. When she is still, sitting quietly and without anything there to distract her, it gives her a chance to hear what God wants to tell her.

The next time your girl gets mad or frustrated about something, do you want to show her how to wait well? Here are for four fun and simple activities to help her slow down, get still, and make the best choice at the right time.

  1. Draw a ‘still life’

Have your daughter draw a picture using Exodus 14:14 as her inspiration: God fighting nearby and her, quiet and still. She can color it and hang it in her room as a reminder of how God is in charge and it’s her job to wait for Him.

  1. Read about Esther, The Belle of Patience

After Esther became the queen of Persia, her cousin Mordecai got into some trouble by refusing to bow to Haman, the king’s second in command. Haman got angry and came up with a plan to destroy Esther’s people. She faced a difficult choice. Instead of rushing in to talk to the king, Esther took her time. She prepared her heart by waiting and fasting. God helped Esther wait until the right time to act, and He can help your girl, too.

  1. Make a Patience Clock

Help your daughter create one from scratch by decorating cardstock or you can build one together out of materials you have at home. Paint it, decorate it, dress it up. Help her add pictures and words that will help her remember to wait on the Lord and that His timing is perfect.

  1. Quick Write Journal

With your daughter, take turns reading aloud Psalm 25:4-5. Have her write down 4-5 words or phrases that stick out to her (Some ideas: “your ways,” “guide me,” “my hope is in you,” and so on). She can add these words to her patience clock or write each of them on strips of paper to post in familiar places. It’s a great way for her to remind herself to always be looking and waiting for God’s plan, His purpose, and His timing.

As for God, his way is perfect; The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.
2 Samuel 22:31

God knows and has planned every detail of her life, and His plan is perfect. Because of this she can trust Him. And when she chooses to trust her Father, she is choosing to live the life He created for her.

I would love to know which of these activities worked for you and your daughter.  Let me know in the comments below.

Have an awesome day!

If you’re looking for tools and strategies to encourage your daughter, be sure to check out my free video series, 3 Keys To Unlocking Her True Potential. These topics changed my approach to motherhood forever . . .

Also, if you’re struggling to develop your daughter’s character and faith, check out my book series, The Adventures of Rooney Cruz. It offers a simple, five-step approach to character development that will help you overcome these challenges. We just released a brand new series devotional. You can get your copy by clicking here. 


  • This is so helpful and I’m glad you are giving moms out there so much support and resources. Very proud of you!

    Erica Osborn on

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