The Secret To Keeping Busyness In Check

The Secret To Keeping Busyness In Check

The Secret To Keeping Busyness In Check

Moms, we get it. Now that you have kids, there are a lot of things to do. We had stuff to do before, but now it’s like, well, more. A lot more.

Some days, from the moment we rise, are a constant whirlwind of clean this, prep that, load these, run out and grab those, drop this off here, pick that up over there. It’s all hands on deck and, even when it’s all done, there’s always something else to do.

We get busy. Sometimes, so busy that midmorning hits and– Oh my gosh. We haven’t prayed today!

I always want to be appalled at myself, but this isn’t exactly the first time.  Our parent brains get so wrapped up in what we “have” to do, we forget about the thing we should do: the one thing we need to do before anything else happens.

Before we change out of jammies and into clothes, before any meal or new mess is made, before we start hustling and bustling around in the never-ending daze of getting ready, going places, running errands, and filling our lives with more, we have to pray.

Prayer. It sounds so easy. Just talk to God. But when I get to talking, I can start to ramble. And when I ramble, I don’t get to have a conversation with God that’s really all that helpful. I work better with a blueprint, an outline so I can steady my thoughts amidst the chaos that is life. I’ve always worked best this way. So it comes as no surprise to me that when I’m talking to Him, a little guidance helps.

We have to give our day to the Lord. After all, it is His day already, but we always seem to try and steal it away from Him. He made it, no matter how much we think the hours in it belong to us and are to be filled with the activities that we want, need, and have to do. Before we even get a chance to take the day away from Him, we need to give it back. So, that’s what we do at our house. The "give" allows me to have the sort of plan that I need to steady my thoughts and get us focused on the right priorities.


Give God the glory He is due. He is mighty. He is powerful. He is our protector. He made the whole world and everything in it. He is amazing! We praise Him and thank Him for loving us.


We ask God to help us to be better. We will make mistakes today, a lot of them, but we want to be better. At listening and at doing the things He wants us to do. We ask Him to help us always be thinking about ways that we can be more loving, more kind, and more aware that this life is a blessing. That the time we have today can be spent becoming a little bit better than we were yesterday.


We say, “God, we are excited and ready to serve You today. How do You want to use us? Please show us how we can bless others today. What can we say? What can we do? How can we act today that will make You super happy? We are ready to work hard for You, and we will do our very best.”


God, we commit this day to You. It’s yours. You made it. Please help us to remember that You have our back and that You know the solutions way before we even encounter the problems. Please help us to remember that. Whatever happens today, You are in charge.

We must remember to GIVE before we take. Remember, it’s not our day to begin with.

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