Since all the way back when Bible Belles was just an idea, we always talked about a special connection between Bible Belles and actual bells. I think it comes from the idea that girls today have been indoctrinated to believe that being loud, pushy, and rude will earn them the respect of others.
Once Brent and I decided Bible Belles needed to happen, we began a search for a vision verse in the Bible that contained the word bell that would guide our project. Like I said, we always felt there was this connection between belles and bells, and making noise for the Lord is different than that “noise” girls are taught to make today. Gentle noise, not that “in your face,” sassy sound that has seeped into our homes, schools, TV sets, computers, and pretty much everywhere else.
Strangely enough, we found that verse in Exodus and the story of Aaron.
Aaron, Moses’ brother…Wait, isn’t this a series about the FEMALE heroes of the Bible?
Stay with me.
When God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses felt unqualified and unconfident. But God told Him not to worry: his brother Aaron was a gifted public speaker, and Aaron would go with Moses to help him relay God’s message.
Aaron was a master of public speaking. That was his special talent. In fact, he was responsible to minister to the people because he had the gifted ability to stir and move an audience.
In the book of Exodus, Moses explains in great detail how Aaron was to dress and carry himself when performing this sacred responsibility. It goes on for pages. His garments were appointed for glory and beauty. Some of the riches materials available were used. He also wore bells and pomegranates.
In reference to the attire that Aaron wore, the verse goes like this:
Exodus 28:35 (NIV)
“Aaron must wear it when he ministers. The sound of the bells will be heard when he enters the Holy Place before the LORD and when he comes out, so that he will not die.”
These bells were worn to protect him, to keep him safe, and to prepare him to bring this teaching to the people. With his every move, the bells would ring.
“The sound of the bells will be heard.”
Okay, we found the verse. Now what? We decided to officially launch the company, and Brent and I were most excited to figure out which women to include.