5 Book Bundle & Devotional

Welcome to Bible Belles
Home of The Adventures of Rooney Cruz

Heroes That Change Girls' Lives

Parents struggle with what the world tells their girls about beauty. The world is wrong, but it is loud. Bible Belles' The Adventures of Rooney Cruz is an original children’s Book series designed for girls ages 4-10 (pre-readers to early independents) that highlights five superhero women of the Bible. Together, the Bible Belles show all of us how to make a different kind of noise. Help us push back against the negative influences of this world and teach our girls the power of prayer, patience, bravery, loyalty & leadership.

Includes 6 books at $12 ea

What does the bundle include?

Book 1
The Belle of Prayer

Book 2
The Belle of Patience

Book 3
The Belle of Bravery

Book 5
The Belle of Leadership

HEARD Devotional Book For